I am so honored and grateful for all the beautiful emails and messages I received following my talk at The American Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong’s American Women of Influence awards.

You have no idea how much this means to me and I can’t thank you enough.

I have never stood on stage before and told how my ex almost murdered me or how I came to be in that relationship and why.

How 7-10 young girls today feel the same as I did when I was their age.  And it will impact their adult lives too, in many negative ways.

You are enough

Then I headed straight to the RTHK studios for a live one-hour radio interview on the 123 show with the awesome Noreen Mir and Karen Koh.

In this radio interview, I tell you why knowing and believing you are enough will change your life.

I am enough.

You are enough.

You can create the life you dream of and become the person you were born to be.

The answer is there within you to do so.   It has been all along.

My interview went out Live on Facebook too.

Thanks, Noreen, Karen (and fellow guest Czarina)!   I really enjoyed it.

In case you missed it you can watch it here:

You are enough

You are enoughYou are enough