I was honored to be invited to be part of the TEDxTinHauWomen event here in Hong Kong this year. The theme was “Showing Up Now”: Who and what are we showing up for?

The challenge was to share our stories via two images and voice-over only.

What two images and words would you use to tell your story?

Here are my two:

I’m Vivian McGrath and I’m showing up for ME.

I am enough

I was 23 years old and 7 months pregnant when my husband almost murdered me.

I was a victim of domestic violence because I never felt good enough. That I didn’t deserve any better.

I’m not alone.  7 out of 10 young girls today don’t think they’re good enough.

It’s a belief that impacts our adult lives in many negative ways.

Emotional development comes from embracing emotional pain

Knowing you are enough is key to changing your life.

It’s loving yourself as much as you want others to love you.

Finding self-confidence to say no, when you deserve better and setting strong boundaries.

Put your needs first and base every decision you make on whether it’s good enough for you.

Know you are GOOD ENOUGH and you’ll feel powerful and happier than you’ve ever been.

Love yourself enough and you can create the limitless life you dream of and be the person you were born to be.

Show you up for YOU. You are (more than!) enough.