Can a narcissist change?

I get asked this all the time.  After all, it’s what we spend so much time and energy waiting and hoping for, isn’t it?

They promise you they will change. Especially after abusive behaviour. When they know you’re on the verge of leaving them.

You believe them as you hope so much that this time they mean it and it will happen.

But as soon as they suck you back in, they renege on that.  The cycle of abuse starts to spin again.

Or, they tell us:

I said I’d change, but now you’re not being supportive enough!

In other words, shifting the blame away from their behaviour and back onto us.

Can a narcissist change?

They could change their behaviour, if they chose to do so.

But, not their narcissism.  This is why it becomes so complicated.

Narcissists have deep, internal shame that comes from childhood trauma of some kind.

Their inflated sense of self and ego is a protective wall they have built.   One that allows them to hide from avoid facing their true selves and feeling that pain.

Narcissists are self-centred.  It’s all about them.  All they care about is how others make them feel about themselves.

They’ll sabotage a relationship if you start to get too close to them.  If you get too close to exposing them for who they are.

Vulnerability scares them. Revealing their shame may trigger a narcissistic rage.

Trying to change a narcissist

Telling them they’re behaviour is hurting you won’t make a difference to them.  They don’t care about you.

Or have the ability to empathise with others and how their behaviour impacts on them.    They see this as blame and they equate blame with shame.

Trying to use logic to appeal to them won’t work either.  All they know is how they feel.  That is their reality and it informs how they act.

They may not like their abusive behaviour.  But they will justify in their heads that there was a reason for it.

You made me do it!

You made them angry, you made them lash out.  If you hadn’t done X or Y, it wouldn’t have happened.

This is why we start to change our behaviour.  Trying to affect a different outcome.

Waiting and hoping that if we do this then they will change as they say.

This is futile.   Nothing you do or say will make any difference to them.

Don’t waste your time or energy.  Life’s too short.

Do narcissists know they’re narcissists?

By the nature of narcissism itself it’s unlikely to ever happen.

For a narcissist to change means them accepting their behaviour is wrong.

They would have to admit accountability for it.

Rip their mask off.  Face the truth of who they really are.

This means exposing themselves to their inner shame. The pain they’ve spent their lifetime trying to avoid.  Feeling vulnerable.

That led to their narcissism and false sense of self in the first place.

Admitting fault, accepting the blame they’ve shifted onto you and others.

Then, spending years working on themselves (with professional help).

Changing habits embedded in childhood.  Self-protective patterns of behaviour needed to anaesthetise their shame.

For there to be any hope of change in their behaviour.

It doesn’t cure their narcissism though.

I wouldn’t hold your breath waiting and hoping for this.

And what if they never change?  Is this good enough for you for the rest of your life?

Are you waiting and hoping for a narcissist to change?  Let me know in the comments below.