Emotional healing is a journey you need to take yourself.

No one can heal you, or change your life, but you.

It took me a long time to understand this and only after years spent living in an abusive relationship.

I wasted all my time and energy trying to change my ex, in the hope that I could fix our relationship.

I didn’t realize I was the one who needed saving.

I was exhausted. I tried everything and everything failed.

Emotional healing

Then it finally dawned on me I couldn’t control anyone or anything else around me.

But I could change me.

This was the key to unlocking the door that led to my emotional healing.

Recovery from abusive relationships. How long does it take?

The ancient 13th-century theologian Rumi is America’s best-selling poet and I can understand why.

His words are so simple, yet profound.  They sum up how I began my journey to a spiritual awakening that changed my life forever.

Sit quietly and listen for a voice that will say, “Be more silent.” As that happens, your soul starts to revive.

Inner peace

Finding silence is a fundamental step to inner peace and taking charge of your life.   There is a gift in stillness.

The opposite to silence is noise and it’s often something we create ourselves, without even realising it.

We do this by being busy and not being still.

We push hard in the direction we think we should be going in, convinced a particular job or career is the perfect one for us, pushing harder and harder for it.

We keep trying to fix a relationship that isn’t working, trying one thing, then another to rescue it, when nothing is working and we should’ve walked away.

Others are busy filling their diaries with event after event, so there isn’t even one minute of downtime.   Some are workaholics.

Or there’s the person who volunteers for everything at their kids’ schools or extracurricular events and becomes a bit of a martyr over it.

Whatever it is you’re doing – it’s everything but being still.

I was the same.

Until I realised that the reason I could never be still was I couldn’t bear the silence.

Emotional development

Being still and silent means having to face yourself.  That’s scary.

You start to hear that critical inner voice telling you how fat and ugly you are and what a fool you are for opening your mouth and having an opinion you think others will find stupid.

You start to see how insecure you are.  Feeling emotions you’ve suppressed for years – fear, loneliness, guilt, even anger.

As this can be painful, we drown them out with our busyness.

We suppress them by focusing on everything else but ourselves. In my case, I’d been trying to save my ex, not myself.

We avoid facing the truth of who we really are.

Spiritual growth

Once I was silent and still, I found a frightened little girl inside me.

One who never felt good enough.

[bctt tweet=”When you take your focus off everyone else and find stillness within, you can find the light. ” username=”beingunbeatable”]

Emotional healing

As Rumi also says:

Stop, open up, surrender to the beloved blind silence.

Stay there until you see you’re looking at the light with infinite eyes.

In the silence, you can listen to your inner voice and recognise any insecurities and fears.

When I woke up to the truth that I was good enough, I was able to then nurture that frightened little girl inside me, find self-love and heal.

You just have to be silent enough to listen.  The answer has been inside you all along.

So, I invite you to ask yourself: is there stillness and silence in your life?

Or is your attention on anything and everything else around you?

If your answer is yes, what is the truth about yourself you are hiding from?

Are you frightened too?    Do you need help and support to heal deep inner wounds?

Silence is a powerful tool.

Only with silence and stillness can you hear what it is you need to hear.

You can start to heal and walk towards the light.

Let silence take you to the core of life.

– Rumi